This section provides a quick overview of how filters can be specified in NAV/BC.

Please read here for detailed information.

Sample Description
K1 Filter exactly K1 K1
K* Filter all starting with K K1, K2, K18, KA2, KB6 etc.
*2 Filter all where last part is exactly 2 J2, K2, KA2 etc.
K? Filter all starting with K and next 1 character is random K1, K2 etc.
K?? Filter all starting with K and next 2 characters is random K18, KA2, KB6 etc.
K1|K2 Filter K1 or K2 K1, K2
J*|KA* Filter all starting with J or all starting with KA J1, J2, KA2 etc.
<>K1 EXCLUDE exactly K1 J1, J2, K2, K18, KA2, KB6 etc.
<>*2 EXCLUDE all where the last part is exactly 2 J1, K1, K18, KB6 etc.
<>K1&<>K18 EXCLUDE K1 and also EXCLUDE K18 J1, J2, K2, KA2, KB6 etc.
<>J*&<>KA* EXCLUDE all starting with J and EXCLUDE all starting with KA K1, K2, K18, KB6 etc.
KA2..KB6 Filter all from and including KA2 to and including KB6 J1, J2, K1, K18, KA2 etc.

When using advanced filters using * | & the dropdown CAN'T be used for selecting values.

See also


This help includes both Dynamics NAV and Dynamics Business Central (BC). All references to NAV applies to both.