Use this to write a formula for the value of Post Description when posting. A formula could be set for both Time Consumption and Item Consumption.

By entering [[ ]] in the field, a value from a related table can be inserted.

Syntex is [[Table Number, Field Number]].

Eg. [[18,9]] indicates table 18 (Customer) and field 9 (Phone No.).

Any number of tables/fields can be set [[167,1]] - [[18,9]].

Beside the tables below, the tables from this help page can be used as well.

Tabelnummer Tabelnavn Bemærkning
6182629 Stamp Event
6182623 Stamp Journal Lines
6182601 JobManager Job
6182311 JobManager Employee
5200 Employee
27 Item Only for Item consumption
5401 Vare Variant Only for Item consumption

By using the char # as only value in the field, JobManager **adds* JM#1234 at the end of the standard Posting Description. Where 1234 would be the Sequence from the Stamp Journal Line.

See also

Post to NAV/BC


JobManager Setup

This help includes both Dynamics NAV and Dynamics Business Central (BC). All references to NAV applies to both.