JobManager can be customized with Events or use some of the special options for setup calls to Codeunits. See below at the bottom See also for complete list for using Codeunits.
Codeunit 6182705 JobManNavEventPublisher has a complete list of Events publisered by JobManager. Some of these are described in the list below.
The installation package for JobManager contains some examples.
- OnDuration2HoursMin
- Override how time is displayed as x h y min.
- OnDuration2HoursMin_CaptionExt
- Override caption for fields regarding the above.
- OnDecideInsertUpdateIpcActivity2JobManJob
- Can be used to skip create jobs in JobManager Jobs.
- OnDecideInsertUpdateProdOrderRoutingLine2JobManJob
- Can be used to skip create jobs in JobManager Jobs.
- From JobManager 01.28 and NAV 2018, this can often be replaced by a filter set up in the JobManager Setup page.
- OnDecideInsertUpdateJobPlanningLine2JobManJob
- Can be used to skip create jobs in JobManager Jobs.
- From JobManager 01.28 and NAV 2018, this can often be replaced by a filter set up in the JobManager Setup page.
- OnDecideInsertUpdateServiceLine2JobManJob
- Can be used to skip create jobs in JobManager Jobs.
- From JobManager 01.28 and NAV 2018, this can often be replaced by a filter set up in the JobManager Setup page.
- OnDecideInsertUpdateServiceOrderAllocation2JobManJob
- Can be used to skip create jobs in JobManager Jobs.
- From JobManager 01.28 and NAV 2018, this can often be replaced by a filter set up in the JobManager Setup page.
- OnDecideInsertUpdateAssemblyLine2JobManJob
- Can be used to skip create jobs in JobManager Jobs.
- From JobManager 01.28 and NAV 2018, this can often be replaced by a filter set up in the JobManager Setup page.
- OnAfterInsertUpdateIpcActivity2JobManJob
- Can be used to change/assign field values when creating JobManager Jobs.
- Eg. used in combination with Custom Fields.
- Remember
- OnAfterInsertUpdateProdOrderRoutingLine2JobManJob
- Can be used to change/assign field values when creating JobManager Jobs.
- Eg. used in combination with Custom Fields.
- Remember
- OnAfterInsertUpdateJobPlanningLine2JobManJob
- Can be used to change/assign field values when creating JobManager Jobs.
- Eg. used in combination with Custom Fields.
- Remember
- OnAfterInsertUpdateServiceLine2JobManJob
- Can be used to change/assign field values when creating JobManager Jobs.
- Eg. used in combination with Custom Fields.
- Remember
- OnAfterInsertUpdateServiceOrderAllocation2JobManJob
- Can be used to change/assign field values when creating JobManager Jobs.
- Eg. used in combination with Custom Fields.
- Remember
- OnAfterInsertUpdateAssemblyLine2JobManJob
- Can be used to change/assign field values when creating JobManager Jobs.
- Eg. used in combination with Custom Fields.
- Remember
- OnDecideCopyRegJournalLine
- Can be used to define which jobs are to be copied.
- OnAfterCopyRegJournalLine
- Can be used to postprocess the copied lines.
- JobManJob_OnReportedFinishedCheck
- Can be used to expand check if the job is completed.
- JobManJobBundle_OnBefore_AddJob
- Used in job registration.
- Can manipulate Job Id before using the value.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- JobManJobBundle_OnAfter_MakeRegistrations
- Used after make registrations, where extra functionality can be added.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- OnBeforeCalcalculate
- Used in connection with Registration approval and Time Calculation and Approval where it is called just before Time Calculation.
- OnBeforeApprove
- Used in connection with Registration approval and Time Calculation and Approval where it is called just before Approval.
- OnBeforeJobManReportItemLoad
- Used to integrate with the JobManager Item Consumption page - before standard insert items.
- OnAfterJobManReportItemLoad
- Used to integrate with the JobManager Item Consumption page - after standard insert items.
- OnBeforeJobManReportItemSave
- Used to integrate with the JobManager Item Consumption page - before standard commits the items.
- OnAfterJobManReportItemSave
- Used to integrate with the JobManager Item Consumption page - before standard commits the items.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostOutputJournalInsert
- Used in posting to NAV - before insert line.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostOutputJournalInsert
- Used in posting to NAV - after insert line.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostOutputJournalInsertOverhead
- Used in posting to NAV - before insert line.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostOutputJournalInsertOverhead
- Used in posting to NAV - after insert line.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostOutputJournalRunPost
- Used in posting to NAV - before calling for posting.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostOutputJournalRunPost
- Used in posting to NAV - after calling for posting.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostProductionJournalInsert
- Used in posting to NAV - before insert line.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostProductionJournalInsert
- Used in posting to NAV - after insert line.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostProductionJournalRunPost
- Used in posting to NAV - before calling for posting.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostProductionJournalRunPost
- Used in posting to NAV - after calling for posting.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostJobJournalValidateType
- Used in posting to NAV - before validate the Type field.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostJobJournalInsert
- Used in posting to NAV - before insert line.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostJobJournalInsert
- Used in posting to NAV - after insert line.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostJobJournalRunPost
- Used in posting to NAV - before calling for posting.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostJobJournalRunPost
- Used in posting to NAV - after calling for posting.
- OnBeforeJobManNavPostServiceLineInsert
- Used in posting to NAV - before insert line.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostServiceLineInsert
- Used in posting to NAV - after insert line.
- OnAfterJobManNavPostServiceLineRun
- Used in posting to NAV - after insert ALL lines.
- OnTimeCalcEmployee_CalcUpdateJournalLine
- Used in connection with Registration approval and Time Calculation and Approval for copying relevant information regarding automatic inserted lines caused by Wait Jobs.
- OnAfterJobManPayEntry2JobJournal
- Used in Post Pay to Job - before insert line.
- OnPayCalcEmployee
- Used in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnFontMgtInit
- Discontinued!
- OnJobManParameter_Discover
- Used when inserting new parameters in the common JobManager Parameter table.
- OnJobManParameter_GetGroupDescription
- Used for naming the group for new parameters in the common JobManager Parameter table.
- OnJobManPayAPI_Discover
- Used by a Pay API to create this in NAV/BC.
- OnJobManPayAPI_DefaultParmText
- Used by a Pay API to set its default parameters.
- OnJobManPayAPIHandler_GetEmployeeSeniorityDate
- Used by a Pay API to override the the field Seniority Date on JobManager Employee.
- OnJobManPayAPIHandler_PickPayTypeExternalNo
- Used by a Pay API for table lookup in the field External No..
- Easiest way to add options is to insert them in the temporary table with
_JobManTmpList.AddCodeDescription('V1', 'First value')
and only set_HandledList: = TRUE
- OnJobManPayAPIHandler_PayExp_Init, OnJobManPayAPIHandler_PayExp_Dialog, OnJobManPayAPIHandler_PayExp_PreRun, OnJobManPayAPIHandler_PayExp_PayLine, OnJobManPayAPIHandler_PayExp_AbsenceLine and OnJobManPayAPIHandler_PayExp_PostRun
- Used by the generic Pay Export Type API transfer Pay, which handles exports in combination with Pay API.
- If the functions _Init, _Dialog, _PreRun, _PayLine, _AbsenceLine and _PostRun are to have global variables, Subscriber Codeunit must be declared as SingleInstance.
- OnComment_OpenAttachment
- Used when new special setup is added to Comments Setup.
- OnComment_AddAttachment
- Used when new special setup is added to Comments Setup.
- OnComment_LoadBigTextFromAttachment
- Used when new special setup is added to Comments Setup.
- OnCodeunit_JobManSystemSetup_Pre and OnCodeunit_JobManSystemSetup_Post
- Called respectively before and after other actions i JobManager Foundation Setup Guide
- OnCodeunit_JobManStampHeaderUpdate_RunFromRoleCenter
- Use it to diable refresh data in Employee Stamp Sum upon refresh role centers. See also Update Employee Stamp Sum.
- OnCodeunit_JobManRegComFunc_AbsReqSetFilterJobManPlannedJobs
- Can apply extra filter on the page showing the employees planned absence.
- OnCodeunit_JobManRegComFunc_AbsReqSetFilterJobManJob
- Can apply extra filter on the page showing the list of absences, when employee request new planned absence.
- OnCodeunit_JobManRegComFunc_EmployeeChangePassword
- Can be used to validate new PIN-Code or override the change.
- OnCodeunit_JobManRegJournalFunctions_GetJournalTotals
- Override the text presented as total on the JobManager Time Sheet page.
- OnCodeunit_JobManAssemblyOrderPost_After_UpdateHeaderPre and OnCodeunit_JobManAssemblyOrderPost_Before_UpdateHeaderPost
- Used when JobManager manipulate lines upon posting af Assembly Order.
- OnCodeunit_JobManNavPost_DeleteOldQueues
- Override how and when the automatic deleting of Job Queue Entries and logs is performed.
- OnCodeunit_JobManRegJobBundleFunctions_JobListText
- Used to override the color/style for jobs in the Registration Cockpit and Registration Client.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- OnCodeunit_JobManPaySpecificationPDFemail_Addresses
- Override/add mail addresses in PDF - Specification of Time and Payment (E-Mail).
- OnCodeunit_JobManMobTmpBrickJobManJob_UpdateFilters
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the lists of JobManager Jobs.
- Set extra filters to the list.
- OnCodeunit_JobManMobTmpBrickItemConsump_ActionQtyAdd_Before og OnCodeunit_JobManMobTmpBrickItemConsump_ActionQtyAdd_After
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the list for Item Consumption.
- Insert options in the # menu.
- OnCodeunit_JobManMobTmpBrickItem_ApplyFilterMyItems
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the list for pick/show items.
- Insert items in the Filter My Items list.
- OnCodeunit_JobManMobTmpBrickItem_ApplyFilterLocationBin
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the list for pick/show items.
- Insert items in the Filter Location/Bin list.
- OnCodeunit_JobManMobTmpBrickItem_ApplyFilterJobLedgerEntry
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the list for pick/show items.
- Insert items in the Filter Job Ledger Entries list.
- OnCodeunit_JobManMobTmpBrickItem_ApplyFilterServideItemComponent
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the list for pick/show items.
- Insert items in the Filter Service Item Components list.
- OnOnCodeunit_JobManQuestionnaireRelationMgt_HandleRelation
- Used upon auto creation of Answer Collections.
- Insert additional Answer Collections and/or abort following automatic.
- OnOnCodeunit_JobManQuestionnaireRelationMgt_HandleRelation
- Used upon auto creation of answercollections.
- For each Questionnaire set if it should be inserted as Answer Collection..
- OnPage_JobManStampJournalLineListPart_StyleTextAttention
- Used to override the color/style in the list of registrations upon Registration approval and Time Calculation and Approval.
- OnPage_JobManRegLauncher_LaunchPage
- Use it to override the page called.
- OnPage_JobManRegResource_UpdateFilter
- Set extra filters in Registration Cockpit and Registration Client.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- OnPage_JobManRegResource_ScanJobNo
- Used when scanning jobs in Registration Client.
- Can manipulate Job Id before using the value.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- OnPage_JobManRegSigning_ScanJobNo
- Used when scanning jobs in Registration Cockpit.
- Can manipulate Job Id before using the value.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
. - See also OnPage_JobManRegSigning_ScanJobNo_WithJobLists below for function with more parameters and called earlier.
- OnPage_JobManRegSigning_ScanJobNo_Before
- Used when scanning jobs in Registration Cockpit.
- Can manipulate Job Id before using the value.
- Can further manipulate with the filters on the Job Lists
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- OnPage_JobManRegSigning_JobList_OnDrillDown_Before
- Called when an Employee is selecting the stack, which calls the Job List sub-pages in the Registration Cockpit page.
- Executed before the sub-pages is opened.
- OnPage_JobManRegSigning_JobList_OnDrillDown_After
- Called when an Employee is selecting the stack, which calls the Job List sub-pages in the Registration Cockpit page.
- Executed after the sub-pages is closed.
- OnPage_JobManRegSigning_ActiveJobs_OnDrillDown_Before
- Called when an Employee is selecting the stack, which calls the Active Jobs sub-pages in the Registration Cockpit page.
- Executed before the sub-pages is opened.
- OnPage_JobManRegSigning_ActiveJobs_OnDrillDown_After
- Called when an Employee is selecting the stack, which calls the Active Jobs sub-pages in the Registration Cockpit page.
- Executed after the sub-pages is closed.
- OnPage_JobManRegJobList_ScanJobNo
- Used when scanning jobs in the Job List sub-pages in the Registration Cockpit page.
- Can manipulate Job Id before using the value.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- OnPage_JobManRegJournal_OnCommitDay
- Used when calling Commit in Time Sheet.
- Can be used to validate content of the day.
- OnPage_JobManRegPickJob_UpdateFilter
- Apply extra filters on the Select Job page.
- OnPage_JobManWorkTypePick_ApplyFilter
- Apply extra filers when selecting Work Type.
- OnPage_JobManPreApproveJournalLine_EditLine
- Used to override the action on Edit in Pre-Approval.
- OnPage_JobManMobRegSigning_ScanJobNo
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the page Registration.
- Used when scanning jobs.
- Can manipulate Job Id before using the value.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- OnPage_JobManMobRegSigning_JobList_UpdateFilter
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the page Registration.
- Benyttes til at sætte ekstra filtre på joblisterne.
- Se
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for eksempel på hvordan der opnås tilgang tilJobManJobBundle
. - Set extra filters for the lists of jobs.
- See
Codeunit 60002 JobManDemoFuncJobProduction
for how to get access toJobManJobBundle
- OnPage_JobManMobRegSigning_JobList_OnDrillDown_Before
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the page Registration.
- Called when an Employee is selecting the stack, which calls the Job List sub-pages.
- Executed before the sub-pages is opened.
- OnPage_JobManMobRegSigning_JobList_OnDrillDown_After
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the page Registration.
- Called when an Employee is selecting the stack, which calls the Job List sub-pages.
- Executed after the sub-pages is closed.
- OnPage_JobManMobRegSigning_ActiveJobs_OnDrillDown_Before
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the page Registration.
- Called when an Employee is selecting the stack, which calls the Active Jobs sub-pages.
- Executed before the sub-pages is opened.
- OnPage_JobManMobRegSigning_ActiveJobs_OnDrillDown_After
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the page Registration.
- Called when an Employee is selecting the stack, which calls the Active Jobs sub-pages.
- Executed after the sub-pages is closed.
- OnPage_JobManMobHistory_UpdateSum
- Used in JobManager Mobile within the History page.
- Can manipulate the totals shown in the page.
- OnTable_JobManEmployee_StatusText
- Override the status (text), which could be shown in the JobManager Emplyee List.
- OnTable_JobManEmployee_GetAbsenceRequired
- Override if absence should be requirede when employee is Clocking-in/-out.
- OnTable_JobManEmployee_GetFilter_ResourceGroup_Resource
- Used to override these filters.
- OnTable_JobManEmployee_GetFilter_WorkCenter_MachineCenter
- Used to override these filters.
- OnTable_JobManEmployee_GetFilter_Category_Activity
- Used to override these filters.
- OnTable_JobManEmployeeGroup_GetFilter_ResponsibleUserID
- Used to override which Calculation Groups or Approval Groups the User is responsible for.
- OnTable_JobManEmployeeGroup_GetFilter_LimitUserID
- Used to override which Calculation Groups or Approval Groups the User is restricted to see.
- OnTable_JobManEmployee_TwoFactorCodeInit
- Used to override generate the code for 2FA (Two-factor authentication).
- OnTable_JobManEmployee_TwoFactorCodeSend
- Used to override sending the code for 2FA (Two-factor authentication).
- OnTable_JobManEmployee_TwoFactorCodeCheck
- Used to override validate the code for 2FA (Two-factor authentication).
- OnTable_JobManPreApprove_StampJournalLineApprover
- Used to override the Pre-Approver for a Stamp Journal Line.
- OnTable_JobManCustomField_GetFieldCaption
- Used to create very special captions for fields in Custom fields.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementLine_SkipRec
- Used for extra possibility to skip lines from Agreement Setup in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementCounter_CheckWeekday
- Used for extra limitations of Time Counters when calculating Agreement Pay Counters in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementCounter_CheckSeniority
- Used for extra limitations of Time Counters when calculating Agreement Pay Counters in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementCounter_CheckQualification
- Used for extra limitations of Time Counters when calculating Agreement Pay Counters in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementCounter_CheckRateType
- Used for extra limitations of Time Counters when calculating Agreement Pay Counters in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementCounter_CheckWorkTypeCode
- Used for extra limitations of Time Counters when calculating Agreement Pay Counters in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementCounter_CheckSubConditions
- Used for extra limitations of Time Counters when calculating Agreement Pay Counters in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementCounter_CheckJobNo
- Used for extra limitations of Time Counters when calculating Agreement Pay Counters in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManAgreementCounter_CheckCommon
- Used for extra limitations of Time Counters when calculating Agreement Pay Counters in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManPayTypeRate_GetRate
- Used for override Pay Type Rate eg. in connection with Create Pay Transactions.
- OnTable_JobManPayEntry_ExternalDimension20
- Used for finding dimensions for Pay Events.
- Used within some Pay Export Types eg. 365Løn.
- OnTable_JobManStampHeader_InsertProfileDateRecords
- Used when initiating records in Employee Stamp Sum for use in Registration approval and Time Calculation and Approval.
- Used to override the color/style in the list of employees upon Registration approval and Time Calculation and Approval.
- OnTable_JobManStampHeader_FirstErrorStyleText
- Used to override the color/style in pages Registration approval and Time Calculation and Approval.
- OnTable_JobManStampJournalLine_StopJob
- Used for validation when stop time registration of a job in Stamp Journal Line.
- OnTable_JobManStampJournalLine_OnSumActualTimeForPosting
- Used to manipulate the Time Comsump that is inserted in Stamp Events for later posting.
- OnTable_JobManStampMileage_SetDefaultVehicleId
- Used to set default value for License Plate (VehicleId) upon mileage registration.
- OnTable_JobManBlobStorage_ViewFile
- Used when files from JobManager Attachment is opened.
- OnTable_JobManBlobStorage_ReplaceText
- Used when using variables in texts for JobManager Attachment.
- OnTable_JobManTmpWeekJournal_OnWeekJournalInsertJobs
- Used to add/override default lines in the JobManager Time Sheet (Week) page.
- OnTable_JobManTmpWeekJournal_OnValidate_Favorite
- Used to handle changes of Favorite value in the JobManager Time Sheet (Week) page.
- OnTable_JobManTmpWeekJournal_CellData
- Used to change the value for a cell in the JobManager Time Sheet (Week) page.
- OnTable_JobManTmpWeekJournal_CellClick
- Used to override OnDrillDown for a cell in the JobManager Time Sheet (Week) page.
- OnTable_JobManTmpWeekJournal_CellStyle
- Used to override StyleExpr for a cell in the JobManager Time Sheet (Week) page.
- OnTable_JobManTmpMessageRecipient_FillTableLimited
- Used to insert extra possible recipients for new Messages from within the job registration pages.
- OnTable_JobManTmpMessageRecipient_FillTableFull
- Used to insert extra possible recipients for new Messages from within the Messages Cue Indicator.
- OnTable_JobManMobTmpBrick_AddFromRecRef_SpecialFunction
- Used in JobManager Mobile for setup Mobile Pages.
- With this virtual fields can be inserted, whose value comes from a customized function.
- OnTable_JobManMobTmpBrick_AddFromRecRef_DoAdd
- Used in JobManager Mobile for setup Mobile Pages.
- Can limit which records end up being inserted into the lists.
- Works both with and without search.
- OnTable_JobManQuestionnaire_CreateAnswerCollection
- Called immediately after the creation of a JobManager Answer Collection and its questions.
- OnTable_JobManAnswerCollection_InitFromStampJournalLine
- Called immediately after creating each Question for a JobManager Answer Collection. If created from a Stamp Journal Line.
- OnTable_JobManAnswerCollection_InitFromJobManJob
- Called immediately after creating each Question for a JobManager Answer Collection. If created from a JobManager Job.
- OnTable_JobManAnswerCollectionLine_ReplaceText
- Used to insert variables into Questions if these go beyond the default options.
- OnTable_JobManAnswerCollectionLine_ValidationHint
- Used to override the hint upon answering a Question.
- OnTable_JobManAnswerCollectionLine_ValidateAnswerErrorText
- Used to override the Question validation.
- OnTable_JobManAnswerCollectionLine_ValidateAnswerErrorTextPictureRequired
- Used to override the Picture Required validation on the Question.
- OnXML_JobManWS_Item_OnBeforePassVariable_Description
- Override the Item Description when selecting new items for item consumption from Mobile registration Client App.
- OnXML_JobManWS_ItemConsumption_OnAfterGetRecord
- Override the Item Description shown in the list of existing item consumption in Mobile registration Client App.
- OnXML_JobManWS_JobManStampJournalLin_OnAfterGetRecord
- Override Posting Description for existing lines in Mobile registration Client App.
- OnXML_JobManWS_AttachmentList_DisplayText
- Used by Mobile registration Client App.
- OnXML_ExpPay_ExternalPayrollNo
- Used for override External Payroll number in relevant pay exports.
- OnXML_ExpPay_ExternalPayrollSubNo
- Used for override External Payroll subnumber in relevant pay exports.
- WS_AboutText
- Manipulate the About (debug) text for the APP.
- WS_UploadLinkPath
- Used to manipulate Path in connection with uploading images from Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_UploadLinkFilename
- Used to manipulate Filename in connection with uploading images from Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetListWorkCenter
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Work Center in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetListMachineCenter
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Machine Center in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetListResourceGroup
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Resource Group in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetListResource
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Resource in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetListWorkType
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Work Type in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetListJobManAddon
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Registration add-on in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetJobList
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting JobManager Jobs in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetItem
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Items for item consumption in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetItemVariant
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Variants for item consumption in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetLocation
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Location for item consumption in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_GetBin
- Used for manipulating filters for selecting Bin for item consumption in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_RegInsert
- Used for manipulation values before insert from Time Sheet in Mobile registration Client App.
- Used for manipulation values before insert from Time Sheet in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_RegModify
- Used for manipulation values before modify from Time Sheet in Mobile registration Client App.
- WS_RegDelete
- Used for manipulation values before delete from Time Sheet in Mobile registration Client App.
Partners can contact if there are suggestions for new events.
See also
Custom Signing Functions
Custom Fields
Code Hooks
Comments Setup
Balance Setup
Calculation Warnings/Errors
This help includes both Dynamics NAV and Dynamics Business Central (BC). All references to NAV applies to both.