Note the App below is deprecated and replaced by this solution. Business Central 19 is LAST version where the following is supported.

For all JobManager version (see below for additional steps regarding older versions)

  1. Activate the JobManager SOAP Web Services 6182750 JobManWebService within the NAV/BC page Web Service.
  2. Open Dynamics NAV Administration on the NAV Server and change the following values:
    1. Tick Enable SOAP Services.
    2. Max Message Size under SOAP Services should be set to minimum 20480.
  3. The port for SOAP Services should set up in the firewall with forward to the NAV Server. On request we can disclose the IP-address of the APP Server.
  4. Check the SOAP connection from a browser on another computer (if SSL change http to https):
    • Syntax: http://MyPublicIP:MySoapPort/MyNavService/WS/MyNavCompany/services
    • Sample without company:
    • Sample with company:
    • Sample with Tenant:
    • Result: Should be able to login and see list of services.
  5. The following information should be used to setup the APP. Setup the APP can be done at this site.
    1. Information about the customer.
    2. Information about the NAV partner.
    3. The NAV Servers public IP-address. This must be a fixed IP-addresses.
    4. The name of the NAV Instance.
    5. The name of the NAV Company - Remarks regarding Company:
      • The name should be without space and special characters
      • The name should only contain these letters a..z, A..Z og 0..9
      • The name CAN'T contain local letters (eg. danish, german letters) or other regional special letters
    6. Optionally the name of the NAV Tenant.
    7. The port for SOAP Services.
    8. Domain, User name and password for a valid NAV user.
      • The User must have JOBMAN-ADMINISTRATOR or SUPER permissions.
    9. Perhaps an Employee Number for our test of the connection.
  6. If you want to upload images from within the app:
    1. Setup the Path for new links on JobManager setup.
    2. Enable for relevant lines with Add links/image on Comments setup.

Setup the APP is be done by the BC/NAV partner at this site. Contact to be created as user and usage instructions.

JobManager version 01.25 and older, the following also applies

The following must be done for JobManager versions earlier than 01.26

  1. Open Dynamics NAV Administration on the NAV Server and change the following values:
    1. Service Default Time Zone should be set to Server Time Zone, and the Servers Time Zone should be the same as the the Companys main location.

JobManager version 01.16 and older, the following also applies

The following must be done for JobManager versions earlier than 01.17 - after any upgrade to 01.17 the following can be reversed:

Note: If the customer has special code adjustments to their JobManager APP, then these may still depend on Odata.

  1. Activate all JobManager OData Web Services within the NAV/BC page Web Service.
  2. Open Dynamics NAV Administration on the NAV Server and change the following values:
    1. Tick Enable OData Services.
    2. Max Page Size under OData Services should be set to minimum 9999.
    3. Services Language under General should be set to en-US.
    4. Services Option Text Source / Services Option Format under General should be set to OptionCaption.
  3. Add/Edit the following entry to the CustomSettings.config file for each relevant instance:
    • <add key="EnableODataStrictFiltering" value="false"/>
    • By default, the files are located in either:
      • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\##\Service\Instances\<instancename>
      • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\##\Service.
      • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\##\Service\Instances\<instancename>
      • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\##\Service
  4. The port for OData Services should set up in the firewall with forward to the NAV Server. On request we can disclose the IP-address of the APP Server.
  5. Check the OData connection from a browser on another computer (if SSL change http to https):
    • Syntax: http://MyPublicIP:MyODataPort/MyNavService/OData
    • Sample:
    • Sample with Tenant:
    • Result: Should be able to login and see list of services.

See also

Choose device
Mobile Role Center
Mobile Registration Client App
Get started with App
Q&A (App)


This help includes both Dynamics NAV and Dynamics Business Central (BC). All references to NAV applies to both.