Demodata are for sandbox/demo environment where the JobManager functionality can be tested.

  1. select a Cronus Company
  2. Select the menu Make demodata in the JobManager Setup page.
It creates the following
Run Set default permissions. However, it is recommended to run demo with SUPER user.
Run the guide for JobManager Foundation Setup
Sets the NAV default Role Center to JobManager Production Role
Creates JobManager Jobs on existing Productions, Jobs and Service Orders from CRONUS
Imports Calculation to JobManager from an online server.
Creates two Calculation Groups G1 and G2
Creates one Approval Group
Assign Employees to JobManager
Creates Period Lines some years ahead
Creates User Interface for use in demo

If a demo with Mobile Registration Client App should be available, this should be setup like this.

See also

Get started guide
Import/Export Calculation
Mobile Registration Client App
Setup Mobile App


This help includes both Dynamics NAV and Dynamics Business Central (BC). All references to NAV applies to both.